North American beaver
North American beaver Castor canadensis
The North American beaver is America’s largest rodent, similar in size to a medium-sized dog. Their average weight is 30-75 pounds (Virginia DWR).
Known as ecosystem engineers, beavers fell trees and create dams that can alter a landscape and create new ponds and wetlands. When living in ponds, beavers often create distinctive free-standing lodges, but riverine beavers often create bank lodges that are attached to land.
On the Shenandoah, I usually observe beaver foraging behavior starting around sunset. Food items typically consist of leaves in the summer and bark as winter approaches.
Scent marking
When onshore, beavers use specialized glands to create scent mounds which can serve as territorial markers. The odor is something that is impossible to truly communicate through a website, but folks have made valiant attempts.
“People have described it to me as smoky, woody, or like tobacco.”
“An odorous combination of vanilla and raspberry with floral hints”
I’ll just say that it smells beavery!
Beaver grooming session